Center for Research Data & Digital ScholarshipEstablished in 2017, the Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship is a partnership between Research Computing and the University Libraries. We are a collaborative team of data and information professionals, scholars, and educators with expertise in data-intensive scholarship and teaching. Our goal is to serve as a interdisciplinary hub and resource on campus that empowers everyone as they navigate the Research Lifecycle, through workshops and seminars, certificate programs, and collaborative opportunities.
Research Computing at CUOur Mission: CU Boulder Research Computing (RC) supports fair and equitable access for a diverse set of stakeholders to innovative large-scale computing and data resources emphasizing open, stable, and secure access to data while maintaining required measures of compliance for our sponsors.
SAGE Research Methods CasesA collection of case studies about social research that are designed to help researchers understand abstract methodological concepts by introducing them to case studies that applied those methods in practice.
SAGE Research Methods DatasetsA collection of case studies about social research that are designed to help researchers understand abstract methodological concepts by introducing them to case studies that applied those methods in practice.
SAGE Research Methods OnlineInformation about writing a research question, conducting a literature review, choosing a research method, collecting data, and writing up the findings. Coverage spans the full range of research methods used in the social and behavioral sciences, plus a wide range of methods used commonly in sciences, health sciences, and humanities.
Plummeting data acquisition costs have been a big part of the surge in business analytics. We have much richer samples of data to use for insight. But more data doesn't inherently remove sampling bias; in fact, it may make it worse.
An Introduction to Data Analysis by Tiffany BerginCovering the general process of data analysis to finding, collecting, organizing, and presenting data, this book offers a complete introduction to the fundamentals of data analysis. Using real-world case studies as illustrations, it helps readers understand theories behind and develop techniques for conducting quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods data analysis. With an easy-to-follow organization and clear, jargon-free language, it helps readers not only become proficient data analysts, but also develop the critical thinking skills necessary to assess analyses presented by others in both academic research and the popular media. It includes advice on: - Data analysis frameworks - Validity and credibility of data - Sampling techniques - Data management - The big data phenomenon - Data visualisation - Effective data communication Whether you are new to data analysis or looking for a quick-reference guide to key principles of the process, this book will help you uncover nuances, complexities, patterns, and relationships among all types of data.
Python for data analysis : data wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and Jupyter by Wes McKinneyGet the definitive handbook for manipulating, processing, cleaning, and crunching datasets in Python. Updated for Python 3.10 and pandas 1.4, the third edition of this hands-on guide is packed with practical case studies that show you how to solve a broad set of data analysis problems effectively. You'll learn the latest versions of pandas, NumPy, and Jupyter in the process.
Intelligent Data Analysis by Deepak Gupta (Editor); Siddhartha Bhattacharyya (Editor); Ashish Khanna (Editor); Kalpna Sagar (Editor)This book focuses on methods and tools for intelligent data analysis, aimed at narrowing the increasing gap between data gathering and data comprehension, and emphasis will also be given to solving of problems which result from automated data collection, such as analysis of computer-based patient records, data warehousing tools, intelligent alarming, effective and efficient monitoring, and so on. This book aims to describe the different approaches of Intelligent Data Analysis from a practical point of view: solving common life problems with data analysis tools.
Yale's List of 10 Free Data Analytics CoursesData analytics is the science of taking raw data, cleaning it, and analyzing it to inform conclusions and support decision making. From business to health care to social media, data analytics is changing the way organizations operate.