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EDUC 5605 EDUC 5615 Bilingual Education Research Guide: Streaming Videos

This guide is for master's students in the School of Education's BUENO programs or Equity, Bilingualism, and Biliteracy programs.


Welcome! So glad you're here!

Welcome! The University Libraries offer an array of services and resources to support your academic journey. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us!

Contact the libraries

There are a number of ways to get in touch with your librarians and library community described below. Please keep in mind that we welcome these connections and look forward to answering questions, both big and small. Reach out today!

Chat With a Librarian

The Libraries chat service allows you use your computer or mobile device to ask a question and receive a real-time answer from a librarian during business hours.

Call Your Librarians

Reach a librarian during research desk hours at 303-492-7521.

Email Your Subject Librarian 

The library community is made up of information specialists knowledgeable in a range of subject areas. Find your subject specialist and contact by email!

Schedule a Consultation

Looking for more in-depth help? Schedule a research consultation for a date and time that fits your schedule. A librarian can coach you through the research process at any stage. We will meet with you in person, online, over the phone or by email.


Off Campus Access

Easy Access (EZ Proxy)

When you are off campus and you click on a link to a resource on the libraries website, you will see an authentication screen that looks like this:

Screenshot of federated identity service

EZ Proxy Sign In

CU-Boulder students, staff and faculty: Log in with your Identikey username and password and you will be linked directly to the resource.

Virtual Private Network

Another option to access CU library resources is through CU-Boulder's VPN service. VPN provides a secure connection to the campus network from any location, as long as the device has an internet connection. The VPN can be used to access campus resources (e.g. most library resources, file servers) or to securely browse the Internet. CU-Boulder Faculty, Staff and Student affiliations automatically receive a VPN entitlement. Some users with slower internet connections do find that using VPN can limit connection speed. Thanks to our EZ Proxy Identikey authentication you do not need VPN to access the majority of University Libraries resources.
Learn more and find download instructions and steps.


Many thanks to Caroline Sinkinson for creating and compiling much of this content for Education online master's students, which has been adapted here to welcome new graduate students to the School of Education more broadly. 

Looking for Articles

Research Guides 

The Education Research Guide and the Linguistics Research Guide are comprehensive overviews to education-related or linguistics-related resources for your academic work. We also have research guides for certain languages with the resources we offer about or in, those languages. These guides are great to bookmark in your favorite web browser so you can return to them easily.

Browse Scholarly Journals

A great way to get to know the scholarly conversation happening in your sub-field is to browse and become familiar with the scholarly journals for your area. BrowZine lets you visually browse our journal subscriptions, sign up for alerts when new issues are published, and save journals as "Favorites."

Finding Scholarly Articles 

Watch this video to hear tips from Linds, the former education librarian. Use the Education Subject Guide, listed above, as your portal to more recommendations and tools.

Core Databases

Finding the Full-Text in Our Databases

Look for pdf or html linked full-text.


Or choose the CU Full Text option & follow links to locate the pdf.


Or choose the CU Full Text option & request a copy through interlibrary loan. 

Electronic Interlibrary Loan

Our Interlibrary Loan service is a great option to track down hard to find items. This free service can help locate PDFs of scholarly articles, or 1-3 chapters of print books that will be sent to you as PDFs.

Borrowing Ebooks/Books

Bilingual Education Favorites


You may also search and locate ebooks through the library system. Simply search and locate the text, follow the links to full text, enter your identikey and begin reading. 

Start searching now:

COVID-19 Library Services

As of June 1, 2022, the University Libraries services are still experiencing some reductions due to COVID-19 impactsWe are offer Contactless Pick-up of print materials for those able to come to campus, including Prospector Interlibrary Loan services. Our Books by Mail services are not currently operating, but this may change over the course of the next few months. The information below is included so you know more about what services we regularly offer. For any questions about accessing materials, please feel free to contact your librarian, Linds Roberts (, our Ask A Librarian service, or the Libraries' general help email ( 

Books by Mail Delivery

When you've located books that you'd like to use, there are a few ways to retrieve the material. You may visit the library space in Boulder, or you might request that the item is mailed to you.


Requesting Library Materials Mailed to You

Keep in mind:

  • All eligible faculty, staff and students can request books and other materials owned by CU Boulder Libraries be mailed to your requested U.S.. address.
  • A return mailing label will be included. Return postage is NOT included.
  • Materials borrowed from other institutions through ILLiad and Prospector are not included in this service at this time.
  • Materials with short-term checkout periods (such as DVDs, CDs, reserves) are not eligible to be shipped due to time constraints.
  • Shipments will be made via U.S.. Media Mail. 
  • We are unable to mail to foreign addresses.

Request it and mail

A few simple steps:

  1. Select request it from the library catalog.
  2. Choose Mail Off Campus
  3. Enter your identikey username and password
  4. Enter your address details

Streaming Videos


Scholarly Sources



The Literature

 A body of non-fictional books and writings published on a particular subject; considered collectively.


Literature Review

 A formal, reflective survey of the most significant and relevant works of published and peer-reviewed academic research on a particular topic, summarizing and discussing their findings and methodologies in order to reflect the current state of knowledge in the field and the key questions raised.


Academic Literature

  A discipline‐specific publication through which academics and other researchers can publish and disseminate their work, the academic journal normally takes the form of a collection of articles, research papers, or reviews which have been submitted to the journal's editorial board. In most cases papers being considered for publication are submitted for scrutiny and appraisal by recognized academics or authorities in the appropriate field, who may recommend that the paper be accepted as it stands, or that specific revisions be made, or that the paper be rejected for publication. This process of refereeing is known as peer review.


Peer Review

The process by which an academic journal passes a paper submitted for publication to independent experts for comments on its suitability and worth; refereeing.

Anatomy of a Scholarly Article

Scholarly articles are typically written for a very specialized audience of fellow scholars and practitioners. Authors may assume that the reader has prior knowledge about the field. Don't be surprised if you find jargon or unfamiliar language! Try to get an overview of what the author's main points, claims, and questions may be. Many scholarly articles have similar structures or headings that may help you find your way. Look for sections like the abstract, introduction, section headings, and conclusion. They may offer cues that help you to infer the article's purpose and main argument.

Click on the gold plus boxes to learn more about the parts of a scholarly article.

Evaluating Scholarly Articles

The following list are some factors to consider when evaluating scholarly sources. This list is not exhaustive, and the criteria will vary depending on your purpose in looking for the information. What other factors might you consider?

These terms are often used interchangeably: Scholarly article, Peer reviewed article, or Refereed article, or Journal article

  •  What’s the title of the publication? 
    (Hint: different from the article title. Often Journal, Review, or Quarterly will be part of the journal title)
  •  Are the Authors experts in their field (PhDs, MDs, etc)?
  •  Does the article follow a format like this?
    • Abstract / Summary
    • Introduction or Literature Review
    • Methods: Did they conduct an experiment? What did they do?
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
  •  Is there a References section or footnotes/endnotes?
  •  Uh oh: does the article heading say “Perspectives,” “Opinion,” “Editorial,” or indicate anything other than a research article?
  •  How long is the article? (Hint: Usually between 5-30 pages)
  •  Are there charts, graphs, and tables of numbers? Are there quotations from other scholars, sources, or research participants?
  •  Was the article reviewed by other scholars/experts to see if the research is of high quality?
    (Hint: Do a Google search for the journal name. Look for categories like, “Instructions for Authors” or “About the Journal” on publisher’s webpage, which often mention "peer review" or "refereed" articles)
  • What type of study is this? Case study, research experiment, review article, philosophical argument, etc?
  • Do the authors seem to have a particular stance, belief, ideology, or bias that you can detect? 
    Hint: This isn't always a bad thing, but it is helpful to be aware of the author's views and how they may influence the research.

If you answer "yes" to most of these questions, chances are good that you've found a scholarly article! Still not sure? Ask a CU Librarian!

Great Tip!: Peer Reviewed Filter

Many library databases have a filter option to only show peer reviewed articles. These filters aren't perfect, but are much more likely to show you the types of information you many need for an academic assignment. They often weed out non-peer-reviewed materials like dissertations, books reviews, news articles, reports, or magazine articles.

peer reviewed filter in library databases

Format Types

Ms. Magazine

Popular Magazines

Tone:   Casual and accessible
Purpose:    Inform, entertain
Form:    Attractive, digital, print
Authors:    Staff writers or journalists
Review:    Approval by editor
Audience:   Broad general audience
Content:   News, opinion, short articles

Book image

Academic Books

Tone:   Formal, may be specialized
Purpose:    Inform
Form:    Digital, print
Authors:    Scholars or specialists
Review:    Approval by editor
Audience:   Academic
Content:   Background, overview, analysis

Academic Journals

Tone:   Formal and specialized
Purpose:    Inform, argue
Form:    Digital or print
Authors:    Scholars
Review:    Peer review
Audience:   Academic
Content:   Research, analysis, 10+pages 





Dance Teacher Magazine

Trade Magazines

Tone:   Understandable within profession
Purpose:    Inform 
Form:    Digital or print
Authors:    Staff writers or specialists
Review:    Editor; professional associations
Audience:   Targeted practitioners
Content:   Reviews, trends, case studies

government publication

Government information

Tone:   Formal
Purpose:    News, Inform
Form:    Digital or print
Authors:    Varies
Review:    Approval by editor
Audience:   Politicians, citizens
Content:   Policy, analysis, legislation



Tone:   Casual and accessible
Purpose:    Inform, entertain
Form:    Digital, print 
Authors:    Staff writers or journalists
Review:    Approval by editor
Audience:   Broad general audience
Content:   Current, brief, news, events


Search Tips

Linking Your Bilingual Education Concepts

Many library databases have advanced search screens like this:

Advanced Searching with Boolean Operators

Boolean Searching Tips

Boolean Operator Example What it does
AND bilingual education AND language policy Narrows your search
OR teens OR adolescents OR "young adults" Broadens your search
NOT "heritage language immersion" NOT "dual language immersion" Weeds out unhelpful stuff
"" (Quotation marks) "second language acquisition" Searches an exact phrase, those words in that order
* (Asterisk)


(will include possibilities like communication, communicators, communicating, etc)

Includes all possible word ending variations


Research Strategies Worksheet

Taking the time to break your research interest apart will help you to construct powerful search strings. Complete this form to produce a downloadable worksheet. The worksheet will help guide your search strategy. Scroll down and use blue next buttons to complete the form.

 If you prefer, you may make copies of the Google documents linked below.

Checking Your Topic's Scope


APA Style







The 2nd example is an ebook. If the work is not directly available online or must be purchased, use "Available from," rather than "Retrieved from," and point readers to where they can find it. For books available in print form and electronic form, include the publish date in parentheses after the author's name.

 Learn more:  Citing Books











 Learn more:  Citing Articles






 Learn more:  Citing Electronic Sources


APA Citation StyleA great free resource for more in-depth APA Style help is Purdue OWL's style guide.

Use information legally and ethically

To use information legally and ethically, you need to cite any information not originally created by you:

  • Quotations
  • Key terms or phrases
  • Ideas
  • Facts not broadly known
  • Images and Sounds

Using Zotero for Citations

Zotero is a wonderful free software you can download to organize your sources, create your own library of articles, and easily create APA citations for papers and presentations.

Getting Started with Zotero

Create a free account at 

  • Download / activate:

    • Zotero Standalone/Desktop version

    • Zotero Connectors (browser plugins for Chrome, Firefox, Safari)

    • Zotero for MS Word plugin

Explore! (Here are Screenshots)

  1. Create a Test folder (aka a Collection) in your Zotero library to add and practice creating entries

  2. Practice adding items using the Zotero Connector (try adding from Google Scholar, the ProQuest database, or Libraries’ OneSearch box)

  3. Right click on one or more items and choose "Create Bibliography from Item(s)," choose APA format for the Citation Style and "Copy to Clipboard" as the Output Method

You can also Make an appointment with Linds for help setting up Zotero.

After Graduation

Open Access Resources

All CU Boulder alumni may visit campus to use the libraries subscription databases after you graduate or leave CU. Since a campus visit isn't always convenient or feasible, here are some great options to continue using scholarly and multimedia resources after graduation!

Two CU students in graduation robes walk near the Norlin Quad

Graduation by Ian McMorran under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Using Public Libraries

Public libraries can also be a wonderful resource for scholarly or multimedia content!

  • Scholarly articles: Most public libraries in Colorado have access to core scholarly databases like Academic Search Premier that contain peer-reviewed education articles. Most will offer way for you to look for articles from home, using your library card to login.
  • Streaming films: Many public libraries also offer subscriptions to streaming services like kanopy for education films and documentaries. 
  • Interlibrary Loan: If your public library is on the Prospector network or offers interlibrary loan service, you can often check out books from CU and other major research libraries using your local public library card.

Prospector union catalog - student holding library books

Libraries in Colorado & Wyoming: Prospector

Prospector: is a group of regional libraries, which gives you access to 32 million books, journals, DVDs, CDs, videos and other materials. With a single search you can find and borrow materials. Most items check-out for 3 weeks with one renewal allowed; most a/v media items check-out for 1 week with no renewal.

Do you have a library card for one of the Prospector participating public libraries? If so, you may request most CU materials through Prospector and have them delivered to a branch near you.

List of Prospector Libraries