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SPAN 3002: Advanced Spanish Conversation (Abdala): Imágenes

Usando Imágines

Openly Available Image Sources 

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These sources include images, videos and music that can be freely reused. Images are made available under creative commons licenses or public domain. Learn more about  rights, ownership and attribution.


Creative Commons Licenses 

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Creative commons licenses icons

CC BY: This license allows you to distribute, modify, and even used a work for profit as long as you provide attribution to the original author. 

CC BY-SA: This license allows you distribute, modify, and even use a work for profit as long as you credit the creator and license your new creation under the exact license as the original work.

CC BY-NC: With this license you can change and build upon another person's work, but you cannot profit from it (non-commercial use only). Here you need to attribute the original creator but do not have to license your derivative work with the exact license as the original work.

CC BY-ND: This license allows you to redistribute a work even for commercial purposes, but you have to credit the original author and cannot change the original work.

CC BY-NC-SA: This license allows you to modify a work, as long as you do it for non-commercial purposes, license your new creation under the same terms as the original work, and provide attribution to the original author.

CC BY-NC-ND:  With this license you can only download a work and share it, but you cannot change the original work in any sense or use it for commercial purposes. As the other licenses you must provide attribution to the original author.

Information taken from Creative Commons Licenses

Image is a Creative Commons Licenses Icons taken from Pixabay

Openly Available Image Sources

Since you will also be presenting, here you have information on the use of images and other sources.These sources include images, videos and music that can be freely reused. Learn more about  rights, ownership and attribution.

Photo of people conversing

Pexels, Photo of People Having a Conversation. Used under a license.


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