Due to US Copyright law, audio materials receive legal protection as creative intellectual works. This requires that you responsibly investigate your options for audio reuse and attribution.
Copyright protects most fixed and tangible expressions of an idea:
Copyright does not protect:
Copyright applies as soon as a work is put in material form. A copyright lasts for the lifetime of the author plus 70 years before it automatically becomes a part of the public domain. |
If you are unable to determine permitted uses, it is best to check with the copyright owner before using a sound recording. For educators, researchers and students, copyright law does provide some flexibility when it comes to using media for scholarly purposes. When searching for audio try terms such as: public domain, free, copyright-free, or royalty-free.
To “use” a copyrighted work, you must either have the copyright holder’s permission, or you must qualify for a legal exception such as “fair use.” Fair Use is the legal, unauthorized use of copyrighted material, allowable under certain circumstances. Many educational and classroom use falls under fair use, but there are many images use cases that can be fair.
Fair use (Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright code) provides parameters for the legal use of copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder.
Four factors for determining fair use eligibility:
Images in the Public Domain are no longer under copyright protection and can be used freely. In general images published before 1923 are in the public domain in the United States Learn more about copyright terms
There are four common ways that works arrive in the public domain:
Images and Photos made available under a creative commons license are free to use, with varying restrictions. Creative Commons licenses are not an alternative to copyright. They work alongside copyright and enable owners to modify copyright terms to best suit their needs.
You can search most image databases for creative commons licensed images.
Images by Creative Commons - Creative Commons, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=20727292