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Resource Access (Circulation)

Guides to accessing libraries' resources

Checking Out

Select the Check out App.

1. Locate the patron account in the left-hand “Scan patron card” panel via one of the following methods:

  • Swiping a Buff OneCard, Public Patron Card, or Visiting Scholar Card
  • Enter an IdentiKey
  • Patron Lookup:
    • Click the Patron Look-up link. Enter the patron’s name, email, or username (Identikey) and apply any useful filters.
    • Click search and then select the correct patron.
    • Must ask patron to provide personal information such as external system ID (their student/faculty/staff number) or address and phone number. NEVER supply account information to the patron unless they have provided an ID or other personal data.

2. Scan or enter the item in the right-hand “Scan Items” panel:

  • To check the item out, scan the barcode or manually enter the barcode number and click enter.
    • For PASCAL items, scan the P barcode. If the P barcode doesn't work, copy the item's barcode from the user's open Requests OR type in the P barcode and add an X at the end.
    • For Law items, scan the barcode on or inside the BACK cover.
  • A pop-up may appear for items with multiple pieces. Check all pieces are present.
    • Click Item Details for additional details (number of items, inserts, etc.)

3. Provide the patron with the due date and time.

  • Continue checking out any additional items for the patron or click “End Session.” All applicable notices will be automatically emailed to the patron within minutes of clicking "End Session."

*Receipts are automatically emailed to the patron.

When an item is not checked in properly and we scan it for another check out, a pop-up will state that the item is already checked out.

(FOLIO does not automatically check-in nor backdate the item for you.) 

  • Search the item barcode in the Circulation log App and locate the last check out. 
  • Click the ellipses, and select Loan details. 
  • If fines are listed, write down the due date and time, then follow the backdating process in the Check-in app. 
  • If no fines are listed, perform the normal Checking In process.
  • Proceed with Checking Out process.

Changing the Due Date/Time (Used for ILL items and some keys)

  • When the item has been checked out, click the three dots to the right of the item on the “Scan items” panel
  • Select Change Due Date
  • Choose a new due date in the date and time boxes and click save and close.


  • When the item has already been checked out in a previous session:

    • Search for the user in the Users app
    • On the right side under the user information click Loans and then open loans
    • Select the item you wish to edit and then click on change due date at the top
    • Choose a new due date in the date and time boxes and click save and close


  • Change the due date to match the date on the yellow strap attached to the back cover.

Grad Study Room Keys

  • Check out for 4 hours and can be extended to 6 hours upon request. 

Video Creation Station Key

  • Change the due date/time to match the reservation. See patron's emailed reservation confirmation or look up reservation in LibCal.

Select the Courses app.

All courses will show by default. Search by Course or Reserve.

Search by Course

  • Select the Courses button above the search field.
  • In the Search & filter pane, enter your search terms in the search box. Select a field to search from the drop down and any desired filters.
    • Searchable fields include: All fields, Course name, Course code, Section, Instructor, Registrar ID, and External ID. “All fields” is the default selection.
    • Available filters include: Department, Course type, Term, and Location. Filters can also be used after a search.
  • Click the Search button
    • To limit columns in search results, click the Action button, and under Show columns check or uncheck columns.
  • Click on the course that you want to view reserve items for, scroll down to view the items reserved for that course.

Search by the item on Reserve

  • Select the Reserves button above the search field.
  • In the Search & filter pane, enter your search terms in the search box. Select a field to search from the drop down and any desired filters.
    • Searchable fields include: All fields, Title, Barcode, Call number
    • Available filters include: Processing status, Copyright status, Permanent location, Temporary location, Term. Filters can also be used after a search.
  • Click the Search button
    • To limit columns in search results, click the Action button, and under Show columns check or uncheck columns.
  • To confirm the item is for the correct course, click on the item to view the item reserve record and click on the linked course name at the bottom if you need to view the professor’s name as well.

Open Check out app and follow Check Out Basics.

Proxies with their own account:

  • Locate the proxy borrower in the system. This is the patron in front of you, so they might swipe their card, provide their IdentiKey, etc.
  • The “Who are you acting as?” pop-up will appear, select the person they are a proxy for
  • Click “Continue” button
  • Both patron and proxy details will show.

Proxies without their own account:

  • Locate the Sponsor's account by asking the patron for the Sponsor's name, etc. (Do not share screen as it is not their account!)
  • Expand the Notes section to confirm they are noted as a Proxy and always confirm by asking for patron's ID.